News, Oil & Gas

Woodside and Schlumberger strive for technological greatness

Woodside Energy has collaborated with Schlumberger to implement its DELFI cognitive exploration and production (E&P) environment enterprise-wide.

The seven-year deal with allow Woodside to leverage the cloud-based software to increase consistency, reduce study cycle time, and foster innovation in its subsurface characterisation and development activities.

The DELFI environment is designed to improve operational efficiency and deliver optimal production through its expertise in security, analytics, machine learning and high-performance computing (HPC).

Schlumberger president Trygve Randen said, “The DELFI environment will help Woodside meet their ambitious corporate goals by enabling their teams to collaborate seamlessly and work on the leading E&P software platforms and the new native solutions for the DELFI environment.

“Woodside will also be adding their own intellectual property and workflows to achieve accelerated innovation,”

Woodside chief technology officer Shaun Gregory said the company had been a pioneer in the Australian LNG industry and was now leading the E&P industry’s digital transformation.

“Enterprise deployment of the DELFI environment will help us achieve our growth strategy by reducing time to final investment decision and lowering technical unit costs,” Gregory said.

Woodside Energy is the largest Australian Liquefied natural gas (LNG) producer, accounting for 6 per cent if global LNG supply.

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