
Wheel loader fatality

The Queensland Department of Mines and Energy (DME) Mines Inspectorate has reported the death of a loader driver.

The loader operator died after losing control of a wheel loader going downhill, according to the DME report. “The Hitachi LX 100 loader was traveling downhill with an ineffective braking system after the loader engine stopped,” ehe DME said.“Two braking options are available to keep a loader under control in this situation.“Firstly, the secondary braking normally supplied by brake accumulator pressure, and secondly, by using the park brake in an emergency situation.”Loader owner/operators, says the DME, may be unaware that secondary braking exists.“Hitachi Construction Machinery Australia (HCMA) has advised the known present owners of loaders that might be affected,” the DME said.

The DME recommended all loader owner/operators not in receipt of a letter from HCMA to contact the company for advice on scheduled monitoring and maintenance programs.“All owner/operators who do not know if they have reserve braking must stand the loader down until they can establish that it meets the manufacturer’s specification,” the DME said.

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