Iron Ore Holdings (IOH) has reported further significant reverse circulation drilling results of high-grade bedded iron mineralisation at its Weeli Wolli Project located near Yandicoogina in the Central Pilbara region of Western Australia.
The Weeli Wolli Project is located in the eastern part of IOH’s extensive Central Pilbara tenement portfolio and represents one of several priority exploration targets.
Results from an initial sample in late 2008 revealed outstanding intersections of Brockmanstyle mineralisation. Preliminary geological interpretation indicates the presence of two relatively fl at lying mineralised units, with open folding and a shallow southerly plunge.
The main ferruginous horizon intersected in the four northernmost lines was a blind discovery below 20 to 50 metres of transported cover.
The ferruginous units are readily identifiably in reverse circulation chips and the two units are present over a two kilometre strike length.
The discovery provides a significant opportunity for IOH to further expand its current resource inventory of JORC compliant direct shipping ore quality iron ore resources in the Pilbara region.