
Water saving, one drop at a time

BHP Billiton Illawarra Coal has been awarded the Largest Volume Reduction award at Sydney Water’s Every Drop Counts Business Programme Awards.

A water filtration plant, built by Worth Recycling to serve Illawarra Coal’s Appin Mine, was named Sydney’s best water saver at the awards.

The water recycling plant was commended for saving an average of 660,000 L of water every day at its Appin Mine.

Worth Recycling, a 2007 Australian Mining Prospect Awards finalist, designed, built and operates the filtration plant, the first facility of its kind within the mining industry.

Opened in December 2006, the plant treats and reuses more than 2 ML of mine water each day, or the equivalent of two Olympic-size swimming pools.

Key contact:

Worth Recycling

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