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WA to streamline mining approvals

The Western Australian Government will access a new authorisation and approval process for mining activities that are considered low impact in the state’s mining sector.

The trial is part of the WA Government’s fast-tracking mining approvals reforms initiative, which is designed to simplify the approval process for activities that pose minimal environmental risk and do not occur in sensitive areas.

“The WA Government remains committed to ensuring best-practice regulatory frameworks are in place to facilitate responsible resources development,” WA Mines and Petroleum Minister David Michael said.

“While we are working hard to streamline mining approval processes, at no point will we compromise on environmental and social standards.”

Under the trial, which will run until the Eligible Mining Activity (EMA) framework is formally implemented later this year, the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) will assess eligible Programmes of Work within one business day.

Once the trial concludes, tenement holders will be able to receive automatic authorisation to undertake approved activities by lodging an EMA notice, provided they meet prescribed requirements.

The new framework follows an extensive eight-week public consultation process that took place in 2024.

The Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC) has welcomed the move, with acting chief executive officer Neil van Drunen calling it “a common-sense approach, a long time in the making, that will streamline the approvals process”.

“This trial will help realise more efficiencies for the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety,” he said.

“It will remove a significant amount of work the department currently undertakes and allow them to focus time and effort on decisions that deliver greater impact.

“This is a paper killing regulation. It will save everyone time and money, so explorers can get on with the job of what they do best, finding future mines.”

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