Greatland Gold has been granted a new exploration licence for the Mount Egerton gold-copper project in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.
The new exploration licence, E52/4342 (Woodlands), covers 134 square kilometres and is the inaugural tenement of the Mount Egerton project.
The Woodlands tenement includes a 25km strike length and is positioned within a structurally complex geological setting.
“We are delighted by the grant of the Woodlands tenement at our new Mount Egerton gold-copper project, which further enhances our excellent exploration portfolio with a new front in a highly prospective region of Western Australia,” Greatland managing director Shaun Day said.
“Our exploration team identified Mount Egerton as an excellent regional and local geological setting for the discovery of major gold and copper deposits. With the successful grant of our first tenement, we will now work to compile and interpret available data to plan systematic, targeted exploration on the ground in the near future.”
Greatland said the Woodlands tenement is significantly under-explored, with previous drilling and soil sampling not being assayed for gold.
The tenement is covered by an existing Indigenous land use agreement (ILUA) signed between the WA Government and the Jidi Jidi Aboriginal Corporation, providing an accelerated path to exploration.
Other Mount Egerton work will focus on:
- signing the ILUA prescribed form heritage agreement
- completing a desktop review to refine the geological model at Woodlands to determine the most prospective locations for possible chemical and physical trapsites
- defining programs to effectively test the main structural plumbing within the tenure for mineralisation and follow these to the trap sites
- field reconnaissance.
“We are proud of Greatland’s proven track record of discovery and exploration success, and Mount Egerton presents a further opportunity to put our advanced exploration techniques to work in an under-explored region in pursuit of tier-one gold and copper deposits,” Day said.
Last month, Greatland was granted a new exploration licence for its Ernest Giles gold project in the Yilgarn region of WA.
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