
Trade teachers awarded

The Minerals Council of Australia has awarded three vocational education and training teachers for excellence in ensuring the mining, quarrying and drilling industries of Australia have access to highly skilled workers.

The awards for excellence in vocational educational and training were made during the Minerals Council of Australia’s National Minerals Industry Safety and Health Excellence Award – MINEX Dinner in Cairns recently.

The award winners were: Adrian Hall of the Caterpillar Institute in WA, Paul Mascord of TAFE New South Wales Western Institute and Lesley Wemyss of Crestfern Pty Ltd from Queensland.

Wemyss was selected to represent the earth resources industry at the Australian National Training Awards.

Each of the recipients received a $10,000 prize, comprising a $5,000 cash prize and $5,000 to be directed towards an industry training project at their respective institutions.

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