WITH North West coastal communities experiencing a near miss from tropical cyclone Melanie recently, a timely reminder about the potentially hazardous consequences of cyclones and the importance of emergency preparation, planning and preparedness can be found in the latest edition of MineSafe magazine issued by the Resources Safety Division of the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection.
Another natural hazard featured in the December issue of MineSafe is that of lightning strikes and their potential to cause tyre explosions. Among other topics featured in the latest edition of MineSafe include: The importance of traffic management on mine sites, in particular effective road signage, given the increasing volume of traffic on mine sites and the potential for conflict between small and large vehicles.
The safety case approach to safety management, which is one of the issues being considered in the current review of the Mines Safety and Inspection Act; How to keep cool – by avoiding heat stress, cramps and other heat-related illnesses this summer; and Results and other details from the recent mine emergency response competitions at Kambalda and Australind.