
Teekay tugboats to renegotiate with BHP

After a long EBA battle which resolved in November last year, tugboat operator Teekay is back at the negotiating table, this time with BHP.

With the expiry of Teekay’s contract for tugboat services in Port Hedland approaching in September, the shipping company have written to the MUA to inform them of the urgent need to reduce costs in a bid to retain the contract, SMH reported.

BHP has invited operators to tender for the new contract, and have already brought in a second tugboat operator, Rivtow, for an additional four tugboats.

SMH said BHP would favour companies with an even time roster of four weeks on, four weeks off, and have confirmed that Teekay’s contract will expire later this year.

Representatives of the Australian Maritime Officers Union (AMOU) and Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers (AIMPE) have indicated they would be prepared to give up extra annual leave entitlements won last year in order to help Teekay tender for the new contract.

Each union has expressed its willingness to negotiate with Teekay leading up to the expiry of their contract.

Last year maritime unions repeatedly threatened and postponed strike action against Teekay Shipping in order to gain caps on 12 hour working days, wage rises in line with national standards, and additional annual leave.

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