
Rubber tyre alert

THE Queensland Department of Mines and Energy (DME) has issued a safety alert following an incident where a wheel has fallen off a dump truck.

According to the alert, a rear dump truck operator reported a flat tyre.

However, the tyre had in fact fallen off, and dislodged the valve stem of an adjacent tyre causing it to deflate.

The DME alert discourages the use of an impact gun to provide the final torque setting to any wheel nut. According to the alert, any final torque adjustment must be applied and checked using a certified piece of equipment such as a torque wrench or a power torque multiplier.

All mines must ensure that any task related to the fitting, removing, testing, maintaining and repairing of tyres and rims is conducted in accordance with the operation’s standard operating procedure for that task, according to the alert.

Key contact:

Mark Moffat

Inspector of Mines

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