
Royalties for Regions scheme under attack

The West Australian Liberal Party has come under attack from the State’s Labor party for deceiving the public about how its Royalties for Regions scheme is being funded.

The Regional Grants Scheme is an initiative of Royalties for Regions that aims to improve economic and community infrastructure and services in regional Western Australia.

Through the scheme, more than $40 million of funding will be available to regional communities.

This is more than $4.4 million for each region in 2008-09 to fund projects that assist in attracting investment and increasing jobs or help to improve the quality of life in the regions.

However, according to a report on the ABC, Labor member Alannah MacTiernan said the Government has simply cut money from regional projects her party had committed to and re-directed it to Royalties for Regions initiatives.

“Five hundred million dollars has come out of this year and the coming year’s budget to fund these so called new initiatives,” she said.

Nationals leader Brendon Grylls announced on Tuesday that more than $780,000 will be given to the Boddington and Dwellingup regions to support the growing population associated with Boddington Gold Mine.

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