NORTHPARKES Mines (Rio Tinto) has won the NSW Minerals Council’s Environmental Excellence Award for its Floating Module, an initiative to improve water efficiency by reducing evaporation losses through technology innovation.
The module acts as a floating cover on the surface of water storage facilities.
Trial work to date has shown that evaporation reduction during summer can be reduced by up to 90%.
The Community Excellence Award was won by Cadia Valley Operations, Newcrest Mining for its commitment to engaging its local community at every level.
Cadia has recognised that mining impacts positively and negatively on the surrounding communities and has developed an inclusive strategy of communication with these people.
The annual Open Day is an example of Cadia’s strategy in practice, where almost 200 volunteers give up their own time to showcase their workplace.
Cadia also won the People’s Choice Award for their work in the area, as voted by the 250 delegates at the conference.
BHP Billiton Illawarra Coal won a highly commended award for its Air Methane Project, which reduces methane gas emissions from mining, by generating power from gas.
The winners were announced at a presentation dinner at Avoca on the Central Coast, as part of the 2007 NSW Minerals Council Environment & Community Conference.
NSW Minerals Council chief executive officer Dr Nikki Williams said the awards were devised to identify and honour the industry’s best performers in environmental initiatives and community engagement.