
More nickel jobs cut

More BHP Billiton nickel workers in Western Australia have lost their jobs as the company attempts to stay viable in a depressed market, a spokesperson told MINING DAILY.

“BHP Billiton today announced changes to achieve a more competitive site organisation and help ensure the economic viability of its Mount Keith operation,” the spokesperson said.

“Regrettably, these changes are likely to result in up to 70 job losses and some work realignment.”

The latest cuts come after 200 jobs were lost at the Mount Keith operation in January, the same time BHP shut down its Ravensthorpe nickel mine, leaving a further 1,800 workers without jobs.

The company said it will do what it can to help the redundant workers.

“BHP Billiton will consult with and seek to maximise internal re-deployment for its employees where possible,” the spokesperson said.

“Where redeployment is not possible, BHP Billiton will provide full entitlements and support services to employees and their families, including outplacement services.”

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