Honeywell has announced the next generation of its AreaRAE Plus multi-threat monitor, which now offers more sensor choices, meteorological monitoring and GPS-enabled location identification of hazards to help connected workers and safety managers make faster and more informed safety decisions.
Being a transportable monitor, AreaRAE Plus offers more than 20 sensor choices, can communicate wireless signals up to two miles to a receiver and has multiple configuration options to provide both on-the-scene and remote safety information for industrial safety managers.
The new generation model will lead to greater situational awareness of atmospheric hazards by providing more valuable real-time safety intelligence that can be shared across the enterprise.
Targeted to oil and gas, wastewater treatment, heavy manufacturing and agricultural industries, AreaRAE Plus is ideal for clearing a confined space for entry, wastewater pipeline rehabilitation, maintenance turnarounds, site remediation, fumigation, excavation, and other environmental liabilities, fence line monitoring and other applications in which gas is created as part of a process or a by-product of it.
AreaRAE Plus accommodates up to seven sensors that can be easily switched out as needs change. Users can select from over 20 sensors for toxic and combustible gases at the lower explosive limit (LEL), oxygen, and a photoionisation detector (PID) that monitors volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at parts per million levels for quick, accurate response.
AreaRAE Plus can also accept an optional meteorological sensor to monitor factors affecting the dispersion and direction of gas plumes, such as wind speed and direction, and use that data to develop a visual plume model on a computer loaded with Honeywell’s real-time monitoring software, which aids in predicting the spread of a gas leak and planning of additional safety measures.