The South Australian (SA) Government is considering tough new penalties for miners breaching conditions as part of a review of the State’s Mining Act.
SA Mineral Resources Minister Paul Holloway and Agriculture Minister Paul Caica yesterday defended the State Government’s commitment to the successful coexistence of agriculture and mining in South Australia, after calls for the establishment of tougher mining exclusion zones.
The Ministers say the Mining Act already has provisions for specific types of agricultural and developed land to be exempt from mining activity.
“The State Government has a strong commitment to ensuring that explorers and miners consult fully with the community,” the Ministers said.
“Much more transparency and higher penalties for breaching conditions are being considered in a review of the Mining Act currently underway and the Farmers’ Federation is being closely consulted.
“The review is being undertaken by the State Government’s primary industries and resources agency, PIRSA, which is also encouraging discussions between the SA Chamber of Mines and Energy and SAFF about the Chamber’s development of a new code of conduct for mineral explorers.