
Mine vehicles in breach of safety standards

The Queensland Department of Mines and Energy (DME) issued a safety bulletin last week after it was discovered the engine intake flame traps of several mine vehicles did not comply with Australian standards.

A breach of the AS3584.2:2008 standard relating to tolerances for open joint flame paths was initially found on Specialised Mining Vehicles’ Driftrunner vehicle.

The DME has since found that several other equipment manufacturers use the same flame trap components, meaning the problem is no longer isolated to Specialised Mining Vehicles.

The company has developed a strategy to address the non-compliance issue, the Department said.

An interim measure was been devised and proof tested on 29 July, however this will only be available for Specialised Mining Vehicles’ machinery.

The Department is advising mine operators to contact their diesel equipment manufacturers and discuss what needs to be done for recertification of the intake system.

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