Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) yesterday approved the environmental scoping document of Brockman Resources’ Marillana Iron Ore Project in the Pilbara.
The Marillana Project will be capable of producing between 17 to 20 mtpa of haematite with iron grades from 58 to 62% over an initial mine life of 20 years, the company said in a statement.
According to Brockman, the document specifies the scope and content of the Public Environmental Review (PER) process, which is the next required environmental approval stage.
The approval of the document clears the way for the PER process to commence.
Brockman released the pre-feasibility study for the Marillana Project on 10 August.
The proposed $997 million development encompasses two front end beneficiation plants located on site, rail haulage via the nearby BHP Billiton railway line and two North West Iron Ore Alliance (NWIOA) berths at Port Hedland.
According to Brockman managing director Wayne Richards, the company is expecting a strong flow of project updates over the coming months.
“This includes awarding the definitive feasibility study contract within the next eight to 10 weeks, awarding the pre-feasibility study for the NWIOA berths as well as the completion of the final Native Title Mining agreement,” he said.
“We also expect continued progress on a range of different fronts with regard to rail access and haulage regimes within the Pilbara.”
The company is aiming to secure final environmental approval for development in the second half of 2010, allowing construction to commence in the first half of 2011.
The mine is scheduled to commence production in late 2012 to coincide with completion of the NWIOA berths.
According to the company, the project could potentially position it as Australia’s fourth largest iron ore producer.