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Litchfield confirms ‘major mineral system’ in the NT


Litchfield Minerals believes its Oonagalabi project in the Northern Territory has the potential to host a major mineral discovery.

The company has used soil and rock chip sampling, airborne drone magnetics and reprocessing of 2008 IP data and Sentinel-2 data to identify a “large, steeply plunging pipe-like structure”.

Litchfield managing director and chief executive officer (CEO) Matthew Pustahya said the company is proud of the progress achieved in a short period of time.

“By integrating cutting-edge geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing techniques, we have rapidly advanced our understanding of this promising project,” he said.

“Our efforts have already uncovered substantial historical data, which was reassessed in the field in Q4 (fourth quarter) 2024, reaffirming Oonagalabi’s potential to host a major mineral discovery.”

Pustahya said the results of Litchfield’s initial work are extremely encouraging, with soil sampling extending Oonagalabi’s mineralised strike to over 3km, suggesting a system of “remarkable scale”.

“Ground traverses and magnetic surveys, while highlighting the deposit’s geological complexity, also point to a potential large intrusive unit to the northeast, which will require further investigation,” he said.

These early findings suggest Oonagalabi holds all the essential components usually found in world-class mineral systems.

Pustahya said Litchfield is in a solid position to unlock considerable value for shareholders using refined exploration strategies supported by advanced 3D inversion modelling and high-resolution drone magnetics.

“Our ambitious 2025 program, including ground gravity surveys, pole-dipole IP (induced polarisation) and targeted diamond drilling underscores our commitment to aggressive exploration to identify deposits for resource definition,” he said.

“We believe Oonagalabi’s unique geology and extensive mineralisation position it among the most exciting opportunities left in Australia.”

Throughout 2025, Litchfield intends to aggressively explore the Oonagalabi project. This will start with grading and improving the access track from Mt Riddoch Station to the prospect, reducing the current two-hour journey to site.

From late January or early February, Planetary Geophysics has been contracted to complete a ground gravity survey over the Oonagalabi mineralised trend, as well as up to 5km of pole-dipole IP over the central IP chargeability anomaly. This will help confirm the pipe structure and improve drill hole targeting.

To test any significant IP chargeability, density, magnetic and resistivity anomalies, Litchfield will then complete a diamond drilling campaign.

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