The Australian Mines and Metals Association (AMMA) has released a revised report on Coalition and ALP workplace relations policies, suggesting ALP IR policy still falls short in several areas.
In the light of additional ALP policy announcements, AMMA re-examined its July analysis of the ALP industrial relations policy.
“Using our Industrial Relations Scorecard, AMMA has acknowledged the improvements to the ALP’s policy and has increased the ALP’s scores on the key policy areas of minimum standards and awards; industrial action and compliance; and right of entry,” AMMA chief executive Steve Knott said.
However, the AMMA said it is disappointed in the ALP’s pledge to abolish AWAs, the proposed $100,000 threshold to access common law agreements, the pledge to abolish the Australian Building and Construction Commission, and the proposed right of entry laws.
“The ALP’s policy re-release arguably raises more questions than it answers, particularly in respect to the operation of Common Law Agreements (CLA), Individual Transitional Employment Agreements (ITEA) and flexibility clauses” Knott said.
Vote in Australian Mining’s News Barometer: Would the mining industry in Australia be better off or worse off under a Federal ALP Government?
Key contact:
Christopher Platt,
AMMA General Manager of Workplace Policy