
Investigation confirms CO poisoning

VICTORIAN safety investigators have confirmed that carbon monoxide poisoned several contract employees at an underground mine in the State last year after they re-entered the mine following a production blast.

A Significant Incident Report [No. 2/2008] from the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) revealed that fumes overcame a cable grouting crew on the lower level after they re-entered the mine following a production blast.

Following the blast routine clearance measures were conducted and the mine was cleared for re-entry, the report said.

However, investigations indicated that fumes passed through existing pathways pressurising the lower level.

The report recommended competent staff undertake post blast clearances.

Minerals Petroleum Regulation Director Phil Roberts from the DPI signed the report.

Despite queries from Australian Mining the DPI would not release details about where or when the incident occurred.

Philip Roberts


Minerals and Petroleum Regulation

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