
Iluka plans mineral sands project in SA

Global mining company Iluka Resources Limited has lodged a detailed mining lease proposal for its Jacinth-Ambrosia Heavy Mineral Sands Project in South Australia’s West.

The proposed Mineral Sands project is located about 200 kilometres northwest of Ceduna within the Yellabinna and Nullarbor Regional Reserves.

Regional reserves are established under the National Parks and Wildlife Act to conserve wildlife and the natural or historic features of the land while still permitting the use of any natural resources, such as for mineral or petroleum production.

The SA Department for Environment and Heritage manages these regional reserves.

Development Approval for the construction of an all-weather haulage road from the mine site to the Eyre Highway will be submitted to Planning SA for assessment.

Consultations by Iluka have already identified some significant issues including native vegetation clearance, management of a mine in regional reserves, any affects on future projects, water sources and rehabilitation of the land disturbed by mining.

Members of the public have until 4 January 2008 to lodge written submissions to Primary Industries and Resources SA as part of a six-week formal consultation period.

Issues raised in the public submissions must be fully addressed by Iluka Resources when the company lodges a Response Document.

PIRSA, in consultation with other government agencies, will then undertake a detailed environmental impact and risk assessment of this project before a decision by the State Government on the mining tenement applications.

Iluka Resources Limited

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