OEMS, Resources, Technology

How operators are reducing asset downtime with kits

Time is money in the mining industry, making asset downtime an operator’s worst nightmare. Autoline is helping combat downtime on site with job-focused kits to streamline mobile maintenance.

The mining industry operates like a big machine, with each cog turning to facilitate the movement of the next.

So, what happens when one of those cogs stops turning? Downtime.

It doesn’t matter how efficient your process is, as soon as that one cog is out of action, the whole operation can come to a halt.

The ‘cog’ that draws Autoline’s attention, is the fleet of light vehicles (LVs) operating on site.

Light vehicles often fly under the radar when it comes to asset maintenance due to plant equipment and heavy vehicles being more closely linked to the output of the mine and boasting a bigger price tag.

But don’t be fooled – without LVs a mine site simply can’t operate.

Every minute an LV spends in the workshop instead of out in the field is a minute the LV is holding up the mining process.

That’s why Autoline built the TAKEO brand with an emphasis on parts that last longer and job-focused kits.

TAKEO’s range of kits are designed specifically for LV workshops in the mining industry, where reducing asset downtime is crucial.

By combining multiple codes into single kits, Autoline is able to reduce the time it takes to complete routine jobs.

Many TAKEO kits combine up to 30 product codes, significantly reducing wasted time by stores, purchasing departments, and fitters themselves.

Image: Autoline

TAKEO’s range covers all the common jobs for Landcruiser and Hilux fleets, consisting of kits for: brakes, filters, suspension, swivel hubs, wheel bearings, CV’s, engine sumps and much more.

Simply having all the required components in the same box makes a huge impact in the time it takes for fitters to complete routine jobs.

Recently a fitter working in a prominent Western Australian gold mine said he “saves at least one hour per job” after making the switch to TAKEO kits.

The consolidation of stock lines is what saves time in purchasing and stores.

Rather than raising purchasing orders (PO) for ten, twenty, or thirty plus stock lines all for a single job, purchasing officers raise one PO with a part description that matches the job – drastically reducing the administration time.

The same applies when that kit ultimately ends up in the on-site stores.

One box with one location and only one code to keep track of makes life easy when it comes time to booking out parts.

Autoline is doubling down on the value it brings to the mining industry through its TAKEO brand, making huge strides in research and development that will see new and improved products hitting sites very soon.

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