De Grey Mining, Gold, News

Hemi continues to grow

de grey

De Grey’s Hemi gold project in the Pilbara has grown its mineral resource by one million ounces (Moz) to 10.5Moz.

The growth follows the completion of infill drilling for the site’s definitive feasibility study (DFS) and De Grey’s renewed focus on resource growth.

De Grey has designed the drilling programs at Hemi to demonstrate increased mine life and annual gold production rate from open pit and underground sources.

“It is great to see Hemi surpassing 10Moz less than four years since it was discovered. Since completing programs to support the DFS earlier this year, drilling at Hemi has prioritised resource extension and new discoveries,” De Grey general manager exploration Phil Tornatora said.

“Several of the Hemi deposits, including Eagle and Diucon are still open along strike and at depth and show significant potential for further resource increases.

“We see immediate potential for strike extensions at Hemi to be achieved at Diucon, Eagle and Crow North. All of the Hemi deposits remain open at depth.”

Current drilling at Hemi is targeting new near-surface gold discoveries and large scale resource step outs. De Grey will also conduct new pit shell optimisations on the updated resource estimate to identify any additional open pit production above the DFS production profile.

“Our ongoing exploration is targeting strike and depth extensions to the Hemi deposits, new shallow potential resources adjacent to Hemi, as well as new large-scale discoveries at regional prospects,” Tornatora said.

“Work by De Grey has also commenced on the new Egina joint venture tenement package held with Novo Resources.”

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