
Funding boost for WA manufacturers

Western Australia’s manufacturing businesses, many of which service the State’s booming mining industry, received a boost today with the launch of the Western Australian Manufacturing Centre by Innovation Minister, Senator Kim Carr.

The centre will work closely with partners including Enterprise Connect’s Mining Technology Innovation Centre launched in Mackay yesterday, the Coastal Business Centre, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia, CSIRO, and Austrade.

The centre will provide world class business services to assist Western Australia’s manufacturing sector — a sector which employs around 103,000 workers and contributes $11.29 billion to the economy annually.

“This centre is about real and practical assistance to help manufacturing companies do business better,” Senator Carr said.

According to the Department of Innovation, it will not be a static force – expert business advisors will be hitting the road and heading out to workplaces to conduct free, onsite business reviews for eligible companies.

The detailed advice from the business review process is backed up by funding of up to $20,000 to make the improvements identified.

According to Senator Carr, the centre is already off to a great start, providing services to over 100 clients.

“Businesses are facing a turbulent economic environment and this centre will allow them to tap into the latest ideas and technologies to tackle challenges head on,” Carr said.

For more information, visit or call the dedicated hotline on 131 791.

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