WA Employment Protection Minister Michelle Roberts has launched a forum aimed at addressing mine safety in Australia.
She said forums involving industry representatives and members of the public, were being held across the country, to develop a national strategy for safe working conditions in the mining industry.
The National Mine Safety Framework (NMSF) is an initiative of the national Ministerial Council on Mineral and Petroleum Resources. It aims to achieve improved outcomes, best-practice regulation, and consistency across Australia in mining health and safety regulations.
Agreement has been reached on several parts of the framework: overarching principles and key features of a consistent legislative framework across Australian mining jurisdictions; a proposed common date set for the collection of information on mining accidents and incidents to facilitate common remedial actions; and a consultation protocol.
The Minister said feedback from the forum would be taken into consideration in establishing a national mine safety regime.
There are currently more than $80billion worth of resources projects in the pipeline in Western Australia. Australian Bureau of Statistics figures reveal that more than a third of the export dollars earned for the entire country are from WA.
Online submissions to the National Mine Safety Framework can be directed to http://www.industry.gov.au/minesafety