Bauxite Resources has commenced mining at its inaugural quarry site in North Bindoon.
The Company received approval for an Extractive Industries Licence (EIL) and subsequently a Project Management Plan (PMP) has been approved by the Western Australian State Government Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) allowing for the commencement of mining operations.
The approvals to commence mining have come less than 21 months since the listing of Bauxite Resources Ltd on the ASX and 11 months since Managing Director Dan Tenardi joined BRL.
BRL has entered into ‘trial spot sample’ shipment sales arrangements as a way forward of developing a market for Darling Range bauxite and is in discussions with several groups as a first stage in its ramp up to developing its initial 1million tonnes per annum (mtpa) Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) bauxite business scheduled to commence by first quarter 2010.
Ultimately BRL aims to be producing >3mtpa of bauxite as well as value added bauxite products.
The Company’s planned spot shipments will represent a new era for DSO from the Darling Range, Western Australia, being the first commercial export of bauxite in the State’s mining history, according to Bauxite Resources.
The Darling Range is the largest bauxite and alumina producing region in the world, home to four alumina refineries supplying approximately 18% of the world’s alumina which is the feedstock for aluminium smelting.