The Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table (EMESRT) has targeted eight priority design areas that will be targeted to help overcome health and safety risks posed by earth moving equipment.
These are access and egress, working at heights, vibration, fire, isolation, visibility and collision detection, tyres and rims and manual materials handling.
Other key areas to be targeted in future are noise, dust, machine stability and slope indication, guarding, displays and controls, work postures and confined space.
In the past, poor designs have been implicated in a number of fatalities, injuries and illnesses in earth moving equipment incidents.
The EMESRT is facilitated by the Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre (MISHC), with additional funding and assistance provided by the Australian Coal Association Research Project.
EMESRT aims to reduce health and safety risks in earth moving design a by developing a relationship with manufacturers and assisting with development and implementation of improved earth moving equipment supplies.
According to the EMESRT, earth moving equipment is usually designed to international standards, but does not always meet Australian company and regulatory standards.
Members of the EMESRT include Anglo American, Barrick, BHP Billiton, Newmont, Phelps Dodge, Rio Tinto and Xstrata.