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Monitor Lifts

9 Brumby Street

Seven Hills, NSW

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Title 2022 PLATFORM BASKET 1380 BP
Type Access Equipment
Sub Type Boom Lift
Model 1380 BP
Year 2022
Sale Price $85,000 GST Exclusive
Listing Type Used
Stock Number 1016846
RefCode TA1248083


Used 2022 model Monitor 1380 BP - 13m Hybrid Spider Lift Platform 1380BP Hybrid Spider Lift : ??? 13m Working Height ??? Fly jib ??? 200 kg MRC ??? 13 hp Honda engine ??? With battery system The 1380 Spider Lift is light weight and has amazingly compact stowed dimensions allowing it to be used in the most difficult locations. A simple, strong machine, ideally suited to commercial contractors such as painters, electricians and shed builders. The basket is simple and easy to remove in less than one minute, allowing very narrow access and reducing the stowed length to only 3.71 m. The large fly-jib is designed for maximum travel and flexibility. The controls can be operated from the basket or the ground. Driving is via a remote control. Expandable tracks provide stability on uneven terrain, and narrow access ability when retracted. Monitor Lifts are the leading supplier of Spider Lifts and other specialized height access equipment in Australia and New Zealand. With four showroom locations, and factory-trained technicians throughout Aust/NZ, you can be assured we are here to support you.