
Death in WA

A 34-year-old man died in a mining accident at CITIC Pacific Mining’s Sino Iron project site at Cape Preston, 100kms south west of Karratha.

The incident occurred at 3:15 am on Saturday morning, May 30.

The man was a contractor employed by Downer EDI Mining.

All work at the site, including project construction, was stopped for 24 hours following the incident.

CITIC Pacific Mining Chief Executive Officer Barry Fitzgerald expressed his sincere sympathy following the death.

“On behalf of CITIC Pacific Mining, I wish to express our collective sympathy to the deceased man’s family, friends and work mates,” Fitzgerald said in a statement.

“This has left us all deeply saddened and with Downer EDI we are focussing all our efforts on providing support and counselling to those affected.”

The Department of Mines and Petroleum are currently conducting an investigation into the incident.

The Sino Iron project is the largest planned magnetite development in Australia and the first to include large-scale downstream processing.

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