De Grey Mining, Discovery, Gold, News

De Grey wraps up drilling at Brolga

De Grey Mining has revealed the remaining results from the infill grade control drilling program it completed at the Brolga deposit within the Hemi gold project in Western Australia.

The infill grade control drilling program comprised nine diamond and 135 reverse circulation (RC) holes according to the first year of ore production at Brolga, where mining and processing at Hemi is scheduled to commence.

Approximately 60 per cent of the program’s assays were released in October 2024, with the results included in the latest mineral resource estimate (MRE) for Hemi.

De Grey has now revealed the results from the remaining 54 RC drill holes – or remaining 40 per cent – of the program.

Recent assay results from the program include:

  • 70m at 3.4 grams per tonne (g/t) of gold from 36m in BRIN0212, including 18m at 6.6g/t gold from 38m
  • 70m at 3g/t gold from 36m in BRIN0267, including 14m at 5.1g/t gold from 84m
  • 36m at 4.3g/t gold from 70m in BRIN0213, including 24m at 5.2g/t gold from 82m
  • 22m at 3.9g/t gold from 36m in BRIN0265, including 12m at 6.2g/t gold from 42m
  • 26m at 3.3g/t gold from 40m in BRIN0302, including 10m at 7.6g/t gold from 46m.

De Grey said the results demonstrate strong and consistent mineralisation and support the Hemi definitive feasibility study mine plan and the rapid capital payback from the Brolga Stage 1 pit.

“Further solid intercepts returned from the infill grade control drilling at Brolga have supported the updated Hemi MRE and have enabled the reporting of the maiden measured MRE of 0.6Moz (million ounces) within the Brolga Stage 1 starter pit,” De Grey general manager exploration Phil Tornatora said.

“Follow up drilling of some new intercepts on the margin of the Brolga pit area which are not currently included in the MRE has been completed, with results awaited. The RC rig has also been following up targets in the Scooby area.”

Diamond drilling is underway beneath Eagle to support the recently released Hemi underground mining conceptual study. Air-core drilling is also taking place at early-stage exploration targets near Withnell and in the greater Hemi area.

De Grey has also unanimously recommended Northern Star Resources’ proposed $5 billion takeover.

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