Geotechnical Engineering in Open Metal and Coal Pit Mines
9 to 11 June 2009
Mercure Hotel, Brisbane
The seminar will discuss geotechnical management plans and risk analysis. Structural geology and geotechnical implications will be examined. Pit slope stability and managing ground water will also be addressed.
Jill Hollinshead
Australian Centre for Geomechanics
08 64883300
Mining the Pilbara
10 & 11 June 2009
Walkington Theatre, Pilbara TAFE, Karratha
Mining the Pilbara 2009 allows participants to network with the Pilbara mining community and develop future business development strategy in the region.
02 9080 4300
AusIMM International Uranium Conference
10 & 11 June 2009
Darwin, Australia
The Conference provides the opportunity to fortify the additional skill sets and education required to ascertain world’s best practice for professionals, regulators, policymakers and others interested in the industry. The likelihood of a uranium future will also be discussed.
The AusIMM
03 9658 6123
CSIRO Open Pit Mining Geomechanics Research Applications Seminar
12 June 2009
Mercure Hotel, Brisbane
The seminar will discuss: construction of a scaled continuous image of drill core from handled core tray or core split photographs; applications of digital imaging in open pit mining: 3D data processing and deformation; groundwater flow and pore pressure.
Jill Hollinshead
Australian Centre for Geomechanics
08 64883300
The 8th Annual National Scada Conference
15 & 16 June 2009
Sofitel Hotel Brisbane
The National SCADA Conference facilitates debates on critical strategic, technical and business issues, for successful SCADA systems and up to date practical and competent advice to make informed and profitable decisions.
02 9080 4307
Waste Management and Audit Workshop
16 to 18 June 2009
Newcastle NSW
This workshop provides the skills and knowledge to conduct effective waste audits and implement waste management strategies. 12 interactive workshops/activities included.
Graham Hills
Graham A Brown & Associates
02 4927 8500
Dust & Noise Management
22 to 25 June 2009
Stamford Plaza Brisbane
The dust conference will discuss case studies in dust and noise mitigation, dust and noise control solutions, dust and noise management in materials handling and regulator viewpoints.
02 9080 4300
The Tight Gas Alternative
25 & 26 June 2009
Novotel Langley, Perth
The Tight Gas Alternative Conference will establish key objectives in the national tight gas market, incorporating legislation, project development, technological improvements and future projections for unconventional gas.
02 9080 4300
Mining North Queensland
29 & 30 June 2009
Jupiters Townsvillle
Mining North Queensland is a pioneering event that will update and educate attendees on the current exploration and investment opportunities in the northern Queensland resource industry.
02 9080 4300
Queensland Coal & Energy
15 & 16 July 2009
Brisbane Marriott Hotel
Attendees will hear from senior decision makers in the coal industry, end-users and top analysts, who will all provide informative insights into how best to survive in current market conditions. The key question on the extent to which the economic slow down has affected the Australian coal sector will also be examined.
02 9080 4307