
Collinsville locals turn the tables on GlencoreXstrata [VIDEO]

Collinsville locals have produced a video demanding answers from GlencoreXstrata's management after the miner closed down the local coal mine leaving 200 people out of work.

The questions in the video come from a cross section of local community members from teachers to senior citizens, who are concerned that the closure of the coal mine will decimate their small town.

“Glencore, do you understand that by not employing locals, our local community kindergarten may close or struggle to remain open," a local woman demanded.

While others question the way in which the multinational company has treated the local community.

“I’d like to ask GlencoreXstrata management why they’ve acted so secretly with their dealings so far and why they failed to involve the community with any decisions they make about the future of this mine,” a young man asked.

“What gives this company the right to destroy the foundations of this town just because they have the power to do so?

“Why is everyone in the town unemployable?”

GlencoreXstrata first announced in February it would take control of the Collinsville Coal Mine away from Thiess as it pushes for the project to turn a profit.

However after 400 workers were notified by Thiess that their employment contract would end on August 31, they face an uncertain future as GlencoreXstrata are refusing to give preference to the existing workforce.  

The mine closed in early September, leaving 400 people out of work, 190 of which live in the small Collinsville community.

Glencore say current workplace agreements are restrictive and want to re-hire workers under differing contracts.

"I would like to ask Glencore & Xstrata management … " from unEarthedFilms on Vimeo.

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