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Cokal ramps up BBM project works


BBM Mining has mobilised three additional mining fleets at Cokal’s Bumi Barito Mineral (BBM) metallurgical coal project in Indonesia.

Cokal said the equipment is already arriving at Karjan, Indonesia, with BBM Mining set to complete the commissioning and initial setup of the new fleets once they arrive.

The five full fleets will begin operation at the beginning of June.

“Now that we are proving the logistics chain with a number of recent successful coal deliveries to Taboneo, Cokal is in a position to start ramping up production to meet demand from initially local customers but also, in due course, international demand,” Cokal chief executive officer Karan Bangur said.

“Currently, we can sell all of our production to existing customers and are seeking to expand production to fulfill their demand as well as commence supply to new customers.”

Cokal is also finalising construction of additional camp facilities at the Pit 3 area of the BBM project in order to accommodate an additional 125 personnel to operate the fleets.

In January, Cokal announced that the construction of the Batu Tuhup permanent jetty is tracking well, with the weighbridge works 70 per cent complete at the time.

The company has now revealed the Batu Tuhup weigh bridge is complete and several road upgrade works within the Batu Tuhup jetty area are progressing to improve the movement of increased volumes of coal production.

Cokal is also undertaking ongoing screening of Seam J coking coal product so its current ash levels are managed.

Cokal owns 60 per cent of the BBM project and the Indonesian Government owns the remaining 40 per cent.

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