
Canister explosions prompt safety alert

The Queensland Department of Mines and Energy (DME) has issued a safety alert after two incidents involving bursting flushing agent canisters.

According to the DME, a fitter suffered deep lacerations to his upper legs, from groin to knee, when an aluminium flushing canister he was using burst.

The accident was due to the canister being over-pressurised and not being fitted with a pressure release valve, the DME said.

A second incident occurred when a mechanic allowed a flushing canister’s pressure to build, which saw the canister burst.

The worker received cuts to his neck and jaw requiring 20 stitches, the DME said.

As a result of the incidents, the DME has issues various safety recommendations, including that canisters should be fitted with a pressure relief system, either from new or prior to their use on site, and where possible workers should avoid using high pressure gas but instead consider using air compressors fitted with delivery air filtration.

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