
Breaking news: Trapped miner rescued

A BHP miner trapped underground at the company’s West Perseverance nickel mine in Western Australia’s northeastern goldfields has been rescued and is safely above ground, a company spokesperson told MINING DAILY.

The miner became trapped underground yesterday afternoon at about 2:30pm after an earth tremor sparked a rock fall at the mine.

The employee was uninjured in the rock fall and was able to access the safety refuge chamber which was located approximately 100m from where the fall occurred.

In the chamber, the employee had access to provisions of water, clean air, bathroom facilities and a phone to the mine at the surface.

The trapped man was able to stand and move around in the eight-man refuge chamber, which has lighting and is similar in design to crib rooms used as staff rooms by underground miners.

The spokesperson said rescue crews were at the scene and in regular contact with the trapped man, working to clear and secure access to the refuge chamber.

“The rescue team continued their tireless efforts over night and were successfully able to free the miner this morning,” the spokesperson said.

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