Few companies understand your business like you do. Bridgestone Mining Solutions Australia is one that does.
We understand your business needs beyond tyre supply. We know you seek value in your operations in extending tyre life, wheel and wheel components and investing in the one thing that connects it all together, your people.
From our industry leading tyre repair facilities, to our wheel facilities where our people are our biggest investment, we work with our customers to understand the best outcome long term.
Not only do we invest in advanced training of our people but we offer training services to our customers as well, ensuring the product is covered beyond supply. After all, the more your own people know, the better they can further your investment.
Services beyond the sale include:
- Site tyre inspections to assist in managing your investment and extending tyre life.
- Engineering specialist services for weight & heat studies on site.
- Tyre awareness & Cert II training courses.
- Specialised wheel maintenance experts to work with you to maximise safety & wheel life.
Bridgestone Mining Solutions Australia, where customer value is just the beginning.