Funding, Gold, News

Black Cat pushes ahead on Paulsens refurbishment


Black Cat Syndicate has seen strong progress on refurbishment works at the Paulsens gold operation, with planned activity commencing ahead of schedule.

The Western Australian gold mine is 100 per cent owned by Black Cat and is one of Australia’s highest-grade gold deposits.

Black Cat is currently progressing the site’s processing facility, with high pressure cleaning of all structures and thickness testing on fine ore bin both completed.

At the grinding circuit, the engineering structural review has been completed and the cyclone underflow and mill feed pipework have both been removed for rubber relining.

Black Cat managing director Gareth Solly said the company is looking forward to having the works completed.

“Our refurbishment activity is progressing well with planned activity ahead of schedule and significant upside observed throughout the facility with lower than anticipated refurbishment required in certain areas,” he said.

“With the gold prices at record highs our team is looking forward to the Paulsens restart.”

Third party occupancy at the Paulsens village and camp has provided a steady source of rental income for Black Cat. The company has also completed in-situ piping and instrumentation diagram site mapping – critical steps ahead of the major refurbishment plan.

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