
Atlas Iron takes out top honour

Atlas Iron’s managing director David Flanagan has won the First Among Equals title at the 40under40 Awards held on the steps of Parliament House last week.

The 40under40 initiative recognises Western Australia’s young business leaders who have achieved local, national and in some cases international success in their field.

In the past four years Flanagan has captained Atlas Iron’s transition from junior explorer to fully-fledged iron ore producer.

“The secret to Atlas Iron’s success is project management. We work out how many holes we have to drill to reach the target resource we need. In other words, we map out every step even before we take the first one,” Flanagan told MINING DAILY.

Among Flanagan’s top achievements are completing what he calls ‘two of the best native title agreements’ in the history of the Pilbara, and appointing a mining contractor with a 50% indigenous work force.

“We wanted to leave a footprint in the Pilbara, one the community is aware of and one they are better of for having in the first place,” Flanagan said.

Australian Mining’s exclusive interview with David Flanagan can be read in full in the upcoming March edition.

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