
A new tool makes reporting easier

A NEW Management Reporting System is on its way to BHP Billiton Iron Ore.

The system will help further align activities across the company’s extensive operations, in addition to supporting Managers’ in making better business decisions and streamlining business reporting activities.

To date, over 90 staff from BHP Billiton Iron Ore’s contract mines; Mt Whaleback Maintenance; Mining and Ore Processing in Newman have completed training in Online Management Reporting.

This training marked the start of a phased rollout of the new Management Reporting System across the Company.

Cameron Tirendi, Senior Business Analyst, said the training sessions went extremely well and very positive feedback was received.

“Following an analysis of evaluation forms, participants strongly agreed that the training was relevant to their job, that it was easy to follow, and also that they would recommend it to others in their department.

“Other comments included how useful participants would find it in their roles and how much easier their jobs would be as a result.”

The Online Management Reporting Project Team is continuing to work on the next stage of embedding the system into the Company’s Mining Operations.

*This article was first published in Oresome (June 2007 Volume 014) an internal publication published by BHP Billiton Iron Ore.

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