Funding, Government announcements, News

$285 million to boost Tasmania’s skills

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The Tasmanian Government has signed up to the National Skills Agreement to boost national cooperation and strategic investment in the Tasmanian vocational education and training (VET) sector.

The National Skills Agreement was developed under principles agreed by National Cabinet in October 2023 and will take effect this month.

Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory are expected to benefit from the arrangement, and a new national stewardship model will coordinate strategic investment in skills across the economy and support trade delivery needed in national priority areas.

Through the agreement, Tasmania is set to access up to about $285 million in Federal funding.

“The agreement sets out how governments will work together and how we can tackle workforce challenges, boost productivity and help Australians get the skills they need to get ahead,” Tasmanian Skills, Training and Workforce Growth Minister Felix Ellis said.

“We’ve secured a good deal for Tasmania that builds on our significant investment of $660 million already committed to skills and workforce growth in the Tasmanian budget.

“The new model for VET funding means that Tasmania can deliver on national priorities like clean energy, the care sector and digital skills and take advantage of emerging industries and opportunities for the state.

“The agreement complements work already underway in the Tasmanian VET system and gives us flexibility to deliver the training needed to grow our skilled workforce and to respond to the changing needs of critical industries.”

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